Potter Raper has exciting news to announce, in partnership with Brighton and Hove City Council, the extensive refurbishment and extension works have now commenced at Hill Park School (Upper & Lower Sites) & Downsview SEN School. Both schools provide specialist education to children and young people with learning difficulties.
Hill Park School is divided into ‘Upper’ and ‘Lower’ sites. The lower site comprises construction of first floor side extension with extension of roof above, covered play area below, associated works and internal alteration works. The upper site comprises construction of first floor side extension, on to existing ground floor main building, ground floor rear extension, new accessibility ramp to allow disabled access to the existing hall areas, associated works and internal alteration works.
Downsview School comprises the extension of the school’s existing main building, creating additional teaching space, therapy rooms, soft breakout rooms, food tech room, medical room, hall, staff and meeting rooms. Part of the existing main building will be refurbished to create new teaching areas, administration room and reception area. The external façade will include a steel walkway bridge providing an emergency exit.
Potter Raper are providing Quantity Surveying and CDM Advisory services for both projects.