Leisure Centre Complexes; Stock Surveys Phase 2
Adur & Worthing District Council
Our Services:
Building Surveyor, Quantity Surveyor, M&E Surveyor, CAD
Contract period:
3 months
Potter Raper were appointed to undertake condition surveys on four large Leisure Centre Complexes for Adur & Worthing District Council, along with other buildings including the Town Hall, Council Office Blocks, Waste Depots, Crematorium and Public Conveniences.
Floorplans were also produced for each building which combined using old floorplans supplied by the Client and carrying out measured surveys to create new floorplans where none existed. A new room numbering convention was also added to each floorplan.
These surveys were to be used as Schedules of Condition to create a 20-year maintenance and repair schedule. They were required to identify defects and their costs in addition to recording the condition of the premises.
The surveys were carried out on an IPad and uploaded directly to the Client’s asset management database. The data was fully filterable on elements, failure years (in bands) and costs. They were therefore able to identify future planned maintenance costs, enabling maintenance works and budgets to be identified for the next 20 years.
The schedules covered fabric, mechanical and electrical elements. Every item needing repair/replacement within the next 20 years was costed by our Quantity Surveyors.